Personal Lines

Homeowner, Dwelling & Condo
Coastal properties
Short term or long-term rentals
Loss or credit history issues
Estate or LLC owned
Secondary dwellings
PC 8, 9, 10
Log cabins
Historic or old homes

Vacant Dwellings, Renovations & Builders Risk
Vacant homes
Ground up construction or risks where construction has already started
Homes under renovation
Coastal locations

Primary and excess limits up to $5M
Competitive rates with NFIP
Replacement cost available
No 30-day waiting period
Markets for all flood zones
Simplistic quote process
Financing available

Personal Liability & Personal Umbrella
Personal Liability
Family retreats and personal farms/land
Personal land leased to others
Standalone CPL: where only that coverage is needed
Personal Umbrella
Excess umbrella limits for high net worth individuals
Difficult to insure drivers
Loss history issues

Personal Articles Floater
Fine art
Antiques and collectibles
Jewelry and watches
Artist work in progress, art stock, and equipment
Coverage highlights:
No underinsurance clause
While on loan or at exhibition automatically included